Saturday, January 15, 2011

as of lately...

As of lately, I have not been as good at updating as I would have hoped. This school thing really is pretty time consuming. I am really liking it, it is just alot of work.

Update on life:
Thanksgiving was spent with my family in Houston. It was a wonderful trip to Houston and we spend alot of great time with my family.

We had our first Christmas as a married couple and it was so fun starting some of our own traditions. We drove to Houston to celebrate Christmas before Christmas and then drove to Corpus to spend Christmas day with Char's family. We had a blast and spent lots of quality time relaxing and playing dominoes.

I also made Christmas fudge for the first time and it was so much fun! Maybe it will happen every year!!

New Years 2011 happened as well! We had a blast celebrating the new year going on a date and ringing in the new year together for the first time as a married couple. This night was when we realized how awful our t.v. is. When we got married, we decided not to get cable to spend more time each other. Although this was a wonderful idea, we do not get any channels at all because of the location of our apartment. Therefore, we are getting cable Monday morning!! I am excited to now be able to watch just a bit of tv!

We have had alot of time lately to spend with one another and enjoy married life! We have been learning so much and the Lord has truly blessed us with our marriage. I love this sweet blessing!

Also, the other night we went to the melting pot with one of my greatest friends and her boyfriend, Erin and Parker. Now for the record, it was WAY more expensive than we thought it was going to be. BUT, it was way worth it and highly recommend it for a splurge date. We got there and realized how much money it was, but it would have been awkward to leave. Needless to say, it was wonderful and we went way over our budget! More on our new budget later!!

Hopefully these posts will happen more!