Friday, February 4, 2011

Completely Done

This song has been on my mind all week. What peace we have with Christ and to live in Him! Hope this snow day is treating you all well... Day #5 in the house for me. I sure do love all this time with my sweet sweet husband. (Hopefully snow pictures to come ;)

What reason have I to doubt
Why would I dwell in fear
When all I have known is grace
My future in Christ is clear

My sins have been paid in full
There’s no condemnation here
I live in the good of this
My Father has brought me near
I’m leaving my fears behind me now

The old is gone, the new has come
What You complete is completely done
We’re heirs with Christ, the victory won
What You complete is completely done

I don’t know what lies ahead
What if I fail again
You are my confidence
You’ll keep me to the end
I’m leaving my fears behind me now

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ice Ice Baby...

Well, here we are... this is day #4... That is right, you heard me... day #4 of being at home. Now, I know you are thinking you are so lucky. and Yes, the Lord has given me time to rest and feel better, but cabin fever is setting in. I will give you an update of our snow/ ice days. Sadly, my camera ran out of batteries as I tried to take pictures of our first ice/snow adventure in Dallas :)

Monday: I took my first day off of school for the year because I was sick with a sinus infection. So I slept, slept, and slept. That is really all I wanted to do. I went to a clinic on Sunday to get some meds and I started them Monday morning. Needless to say, all I did was sleep. Char went to work and had a good day. We also made delicious Manitoba Soup (our fav. soup yet). Recipe to come! We went to bed early, and planned on waking up for a normal day Tuesday...

Tuesday: woke up at 5, looked at the weather... school was canceled. I was pretty thrilled because I still did not feel well but was going to need to go back. Stayed up for about an hour and went back to bed to get some rest. Char worked from home today, so he was busy all day. We basically just caught up on all housework and such. Tuesday night we had Pam and Courtney over for dinner since all they had to do was walk over! I made my first Pioneer Women recipe! So proud of myself.. more on that later!

Wednesday: School was canceled again and Char worked from home but did not have much to do. At this point, I had not been out of the house since Sunday. I was feeling quite stir crazy and was needing some outside interaction. So we planned on making our first outing Wednesday afternoon. It took about 30 minutes to defrost/scrape my car off and made my way up to school to get stuff to do so if we had more days off I could actually be productive (because remember I did not go to school Monday so I had no school stuff here!!) Anyways, I was starting to feel better and we made it to school and Target and back!! It took about 3 hours ha ha We enjoyed ourselves and even decided to go out and get Pizza last night because we needed a slight change in food. Although I must say. I have loved the meals I have cooked this week :) more on food later like I said. Then we went and hung out with one of my besties, Pam, in the hot tub at Westside. It was very relaxing and so fun!

Thursday: Currently, doing nothing. I need to work, but it is very hard for me to be motivated. It is really too cold for me to move at all. I am not sure what tomorrow will look like so it is hard to plan for the unknown! and my sweet husband went into work

Overall, this break has been wonderful to catch up on much needed rest and provided Charley and I alot of time to talk and plan about things we have been needing to around here. The Lord has been so gracious to us and teaching us so much about each other and ourselves. It has been quite a humbling experience learning qualities about ourselves we did not know. More on all this later. Sorry this is too long and NO pictures. So sorry bloggers. I know pictures are fun... and I am working on it. For now, this is a pretty accurate update as to not much has happened here in Dallas, except lots of quality time :)

Also, we have been on a pretty strict budget for groceries/outings since January and have done really well. This week while I was at the doc, Char went to the store for me. I asked how it was and about money and he said he spent 10 dollars extra. I was very surprised by this because the list of things we needed was not one of our longest. I look at what all he got... Blue bell, sweet tea, orange rolls, dr. pepper.. ALL THINGS I LOVE AND THINGS WE NEVER HAVE!!!!( no wonder he went over the budget ;) ) How sweet he is to me. Such a blessing when I do not feel well at all. I will forever thank the Lord for such a wonderful husband.

That is all for now :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

as of lately...

As of lately, I have not been as good at updating as I would have hoped. This school thing really is pretty time consuming. I am really liking it, it is just alot of work.

Update on life:
Thanksgiving was spent with my family in Houston. It was a wonderful trip to Houston and we spend alot of great time with my family.

We had our first Christmas as a married couple and it was so fun starting some of our own traditions. We drove to Houston to celebrate Christmas before Christmas and then drove to Corpus to spend Christmas day with Char's family. We had a blast and spent lots of quality time relaxing and playing dominoes.

I also made Christmas fudge for the first time and it was so much fun! Maybe it will happen every year!!

New Years 2011 happened as well! We had a blast celebrating the new year going on a date and ringing in the new year together for the first time as a married couple. This night was when we realized how awful our t.v. is. When we got married, we decided not to get cable to spend more time each other. Although this was a wonderful idea, we do not get any channels at all because of the location of our apartment. Therefore, we are getting cable Monday morning!! I am excited to now be able to watch just a bit of tv!

We have had alot of time lately to spend with one another and enjoy married life! We have been learning so much and the Lord has truly blessed us with our marriage. I love this sweet blessing!

Also, the other night we went to the melting pot with one of my greatest friends and her boyfriend, Erin and Parker. Now for the record, it was WAY more expensive than we thought it was going to be. BUT, it was way worth it and highly recommend it for a splurge date. We got there and realized how much money it was, but it would have been awkward to leave. Needless to say, it was wonderful and we went way over our budget! More on our new budget later!!

Hopefully these posts will happen more!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

long time no blog...

Well, here I am, a few months into the teaching world. We just finished the second six weeks of school and I can maybe finally catch a breath of fresh air. Although it is a ton of work, I love my school, my kiddos, and the people I work with. The Lord surely has blessed me. I can't thank Him enough for the things He is teaching me.

Update on life:
1. Yesterday we celebrated our 5 months of marriage by going to a wedding at the exact same place we got married 5 months ago! So fun to re-live our wedding and remember the fun memories.

2. Charley is the most fabulous husband. He has been so supportive over these past few months. He truly has been the only reason I can get everything done in the day that I need to get done. (packs my lunch, cleans, does laundry, makes my breakfast, helps with dinner, enters grades for me, helps me do anything school for me, etc.) Basically, the Lord is so generous to provide such a loving, caring, best friend for me to be married to. I love him and I can't wait for the many more months and years to live with him.

3. We got to see some of both of our families this weekend and it was a blast. We love our families and hope to be closer to them one day. ;)

4. We are loving Dallas and the beautiful weather. We cannot wait to see the Christmas lights and such surrounding the Village trees!

5. Thanksgiving is approaching rapidly and I am so thankful for that. I feel as if the break will be wonderful and we will be able to see some of our families too!

6. The Aggies just beat Baylor!

Anyways, I am going to work on blogging more, so someone remind me to blog!

much love to all.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

School, School, and more School

As you all know, I am about to start my first year of teaching. I have been spending alot of my time up there getting everything ready for my first day of school. My sweet husband has been cutting out so much laminating and helping me do all things teacher. So with that being said, blogging has been the last on my mind. As well as picture taking. I have decided to not do the 365 anymore. I think with teaching I will forget too many times. Maybe another year. I just feel as if I go to school and come home and never take any pictures. So, I am still going to try and get better, but my 365 will not be happening. Trying to update was a little stressful for me and then made me not want to do it.

So anyways. I am sorry for being awful! I am hoping to still blog and keep you all updated with our life as newlyweds. One of my closest friends Trish is getting married this weekend and we are so excited to celebrate with her. And my kiddos come Monday.

I am very nervous, excited, and ready for it to finally be here.

My husband is the best ever.

Goodbye for now! Hope to post again soon!

Monday, July 26, 2010

365: Fill-You-In-Friday

Well here we are again, a week later. and it is not Friday again. I will have to start getting better at this. I am hoping this blogging thing starts to become more fun/easier for me to figure it out. As of right now, it seems more like a chore. But hopefully as time passes, I will get better at it. Char and I had a wonderful week. My mom came into town, yet I do not have a picture with her. Sad day. She came and helped with my classroom and stayed with us for a few nights.

Day 36. July 17.
Today was a wonderful day!! I woke up early and met Meggie J at half price books. We were not sure what we were going to be doing, but after a mad rush of greedy people, we got a free box of books for our classroom! I cant wait to go back and get more. After that, I hung out with Lisa and we went all over Dallas doing errands and such. It was such a fun/productive day. Free books= one happy teacher!

Day 37. July 18.
Today we went to church and heard a fabulous sermon over parenting and children. It taught us so much and was very convicting. After church we went to the Original House of Pancakes for lunch with our small group. Sadly we had to split into two tables. This was our table for breakfast. We had a blast and just continued to get to know one another more. The rest of the day we just relaxed and such.
Day 38. July 19.
Today I babysat sweet Miles again. I have fallen in love with this sweet guy! It really has taught me alot about being a Mom. Ekk! Here is a picture of his bouncy chair. I have lots of cute pictures of him, but since he is not mine I shall not post them! But he is so precious and so loving. I am loving my little job! We also watched the Bachlorette of course.. but for the first time ever, I fell asleep. clearly I am not that interested this time.
Day 39. July 20.
PICTURE FAIL :(  Today I babysat again. But we had visitors. Erin came over to play, as well as my Mom came into town. She came into town to hang out and help set up my room. We went to Olive Garden to eat and just relaxed. So here is a picture of my mom at the wedding.

Day 40. July 21.
Today was quite the day. Mom and I worked alot at school. We unloaded everything, moved furniture, and started to organize everything. The kicker is that we had no air. So it was very, very very, very HOT. But besides that, we had a great day and we were very productive. I met a bunch of teachers who will be working at Wallace as well. I feel very blessed that the Lord has placed me in the school that is best for me. I am so excited to begin the school year. It seems that I will be surrounded by believers and that we will all be working for the same goal! How neat is that? Also today, Charley and I bought a bed frame for our bedroom. We used giftcards/money from our wedding to buy it! Today is a picture of the bed! (My room does not look put together enough.)

Day 41. July 22.
Today was another day in the classroom. We worked long and hard to organize and hang up some of the decorations. My mom really helped me get my room organized. I am so thankful she came up to help me.  I am so excited to have my kiddos finally!! Today was a long, but productive day!

Day 42. July 23.
Today was a wonderful day! I drove down to College Station for Trisha and Ben's couples shower. I loved being able to celebrate their upcoming marriage. Before the shower, I got to eat lunch with two teachers from this past semester who I look up to. We got to talk teacher talk and get excited about my upcoming year. I loved hearing all their ideas. I then went to Kirby's and hung out with her, then the teacher store and off to Trisha's. The picture below is the stone that Char and I gave them for their wedding. Spent the night with Trish and her mom! Fun day!

Sorry that my pictures are slightly "fuzzy" this week. I had my camera on the wrong setting for the whole week!! (I know I am still learning.) Overall, it was a wonderful week and can't wait for another week of marriage.

Monday, July 19, 2010

365: Fill-You-In-Friday

Ok So I have officially decided to make my 365 updates called "Fill-You-In-Fridays." Clearly I know today is not Friday. But, because I am just now getting caught up with my 365 here, I am posting this blog like it was this past Friday. I will post all the pictures of that week and what we did. This will allow me to enjoy doing the 365newlyweds, while not becoming obsessed with it and it taking up too much time. I want to capture our time together, but I want to make sure I am not always on the computer. So, that is why I decided to do a big post a week, with maybe a few others here and there :) So here we go.

Day 29. July 10.
This was a wonderful day! We spent this day with Trisha and Ben. They came in town for a wedding but got to spend time with us and stay with us, They were our first overnight guests! We truly loved having them. We all went to sprinkles for the first time ever and had the BEST CUPCAKES EVER! and I do not even like cake. So they must be pretty good! We also watched a wonderful movie called the Book of Eli. Such a good movie. Church on Sunday was awesome. Great weekend.

Day 30. July 11.
So today was a wonderful day. We finished off the weekend with Trish and Ben. So fun being surrounded by such good friends. We then relaxed and drove all around Dallas looking at houses. We truly enjoy spending time together and just dreaming of one day having a house together. (We are not looking do not worry) Just having fun! Here is picture of all the adds and our realization houses are so much money. Boo.
Day 31. July 12.
We have officially been married for one month. It has been such a wonderful month of loving, learning, and being newlyweds. We have learned so much about how to serve and love one another. We love being married and cant wait for many more anniversary's to come! We just hung out to celebrate and I finished New Moon tonight. I am still liking Twilight more, but I am very excited to start Eclipse! I have heard it could be my favorite!
Day 32. July 13.
Char and I went to have TCBY with the fabulous Lisa. I of course got a parfait, which was delish. Truly enjoyed hanging out with her and enjoying the city of Dallas. We sat outside, so please excuse our "glistened" skin.
Day 33. July 14.
Today I went over to the Bell's house and found out that I will be nannying/babysitting for a bit until school starts. I absolutely have loved the opportunity so far. Miles is a 5 month precious little boy who I adore more than anything. I have fallen in love with him in such a short time!! I just thank the Lord for such a wonderful opportunity to learn about being a mommy! This is a picture of the girls from the wedding. Love you bffs.
Day 34. July 15.
First day with baby Miles and had the girls over for craft night! I made Baked Ziti and we enjoyed each others company! We made flower pens to use in our classroom and Lisa once again put up with our "teacher talk." Love you girls and cant wait to hang out again!
Day 35. July 16.
Date night number 4. Lately, we have truly just enjoyed spending time together and so we have done pretty traditional dates. We went to Cheddar's and enjoyed 'dating' one another. We then rented a Red Box and enjoyed watching a movie together. We both have just discovered Red Box and we love it. You cannot beat a dollar movie for us both. I love date nights.

and that is it. My first Fill-You-In-Friday.
We are loving being married, loving our church, and enjoying life as the Lord brings it.