Saturday, November 13, 2010

long time no blog...

Well, here I am, a few months into the teaching world. We just finished the second six weeks of school and I can maybe finally catch a breath of fresh air. Although it is a ton of work, I love my school, my kiddos, and the people I work with. The Lord surely has blessed me. I can't thank Him enough for the things He is teaching me.

Update on life:
1. Yesterday we celebrated our 5 months of marriage by going to a wedding at the exact same place we got married 5 months ago! So fun to re-live our wedding and remember the fun memories.

2. Charley is the most fabulous husband. He has been so supportive over these past few months. He truly has been the only reason I can get everything done in the day that I need to get done. (packs my lunch, cleans, does laundry, makes my breakfast, helps with dinner, enters grades for me, helps me do anything school for me, etc.) Basically, the Lord is so generous to provide such a loving, caring, best friend for me to be married to. I love him and I can't wait for the many more months and years to live with him.

3. We got to see some of both of our families this weekend and it was a blast. We love our families and hope to be closer to them one day. ;)

4. We are loving Dallas and the beautiful weather. We cannot wait to see the Christmas lights and such surrounding the Village trees!

5. Thanksgiving is approaching rapidly and I am so thankful for that. I feel as if the break will be wonderful and we will be able to see some of our families too!

6. The Aggies just beat Baylor!

Anyways, I am going to work on blogging more, so someone remind me to blog!

much love to all.

1 comment:

  1. Yay little! I'm so glad that life is well for you and the hubs. I miss you lots! Keep up the blogging missy :)
